Capoeira (Winter)

Capoeira uniquely blends self-defense moves with dance, acrobatics, music and song.

What will I learn in this class?
Students learn the fundamentals of capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that combines self-defense with dance, acrobatics and music.

What are the benefits of this class?
Students learn about Brazilian dance rhythms, songs and musical instruments, which all originated from Africa. High-energy classes also help improve fitness, strength and endurance.

Who will teach this class?
Jun Ishibashi is an instructor and level-two professor of Capoeira Batuque Japão and has been practicing capoeira for 16 years.


  • Jan 19–Mar 16 (8 classes; no class: Feb 16)
  • Thu | 5–6pm | Ages 7–14 | ¥22,000